Overall these elements should all be captured in a comprehensive style guide by your brand designer to help you understand how your brand should be presented across all customer touch-points including social media, your website, collateral and more. The end result? Over time, a cult-worthy brand following, high customer retention, loyalty and recognition. Sounds good to us. 

If you need guidance in defining your brand ecosystem, get in touch with us to see how we can collaborate to create a holistic identity that feels truly aligned to your vision. 

Firstly, let’s take a closer look at what exactly a ‘brand identity’ is and on the flipside - what it is not. As Amir Kassaei describes it so accurately: “A brand is not a product or a promise or a feeling. It’s the sum of all of the experiences you have with a business”. Not so simple right? Building a brand identity is a rather complex process of defining the personality and relatability factor behind your business. It needs to consider who your ideal audience is and how to connect with them to make them feel something towards your business. An emotional connection that drives brand loyalty. You brand is the EXPERIENCE people have when they encounter your business. It is important to understand that every touchpoint your customer interacts with is a reflection of your brand and will in turn influence their perception of your products or services. 

Now that we know what a brand is, let's talk about the elements that are required for a strong, holistic brand identity. Before we get into the nitty gritty of visual direction, it’s important to establish your values (what your business stands for), positioning statements (what your brand does, who you target and the benefits of the brand) and messaging (the way in which your brand will communicate its unique value/ purpose and personality). Positioning and messaging lay the groundwork and add depth to your brand experience as a whole. It could be likened to meeting someone new. At first you may be drawn in by appearances and perception, but it's their values, personality and the way they express themselves that cultivates loyalty and an emotional connection. It's what keeps you intrigued and coming back for more. So, how does your brand makes a person feel about themselves when they use your products or services? 

It's no secret that one of the key things we think of when it comes to visual  brand identity is the development of a complete logo system. This includes primary and alternate logos with brand marks. Your logo system should be utilised as a flexible library of purposefully designed assets that you can draw on to communicate the essence of your brand with consistency, yet in varied ways. Secondly, a well-defined colour palette (and an understanding of how to apply it) is an essential component that strengthens your brand’s identity and helps to differentiate it from competitors. A considered font hierarchy system also forms a crucial part of the visual identity of a brand. It’s a professionally considered type system that aligns with your brand aesthetic and provides you with an understanding of how and when to use curated brand typography in a clear and consistent way across all communications. Utilising this system will help to establish a visual order of importance and ultimately enable your brand to communicate more effectively. This includes clearly defined fonts for titles, sub headers, body copy, quotes and more. To complete the picture (literally!), having a clear sense of your brand’s visual style, complimented by professional photography will allow your brand to shine as intended. Visuals are incredibly important and play a huge part in brand perception, so make sure  your team, products or services are captured by a professional photographer (and in some cases a professional art director or stylist)  who understands the aesthetic you're trying to achieve (trust us - it’s a worthwhile investment!).



“Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch-points” (Jonah Sachs).

When it comes to brand identity, there is a common misconception that a logo alone equals a brand. Don't get us wrong, while a logo is an incredibly important part of your brand identity, it's actually only one piece of the puzzle. We like to think of a 'brand' as a multi-faceted and layered eco-system, with multiple elements that come together with thoughtful consideration - telling your story and forming an emotional connection with your  customers. In this article, we delve into the anatomy of a brand identity and outline what it takes to create a strong, memorable brand.


17 - DECEMBER - 2021  //